Monday, 3 September 2018

Follow Natural Ways To Get Rid From Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis occurs when cholesterol, fat along other substances in the blood build up in the walls in arteries. Such type of process can be begun from childhood but you may not face any problem until you reach at age fifty or sixty. As these muck gathers in the arteries, it forms plaque and the plaque can clog or completely block arteries. This block will promptly cut off blood to heart and brain as a result; you may experience heart attack or stroke. 

 Too much cholesterol and triglycerides types of fat in the blood, high blood pressure and smoking are the main reason for which arteries get damaged. Apart from them, there are different factors like diabetes, genetically problem, stress, obesity and unnatural life style, trigger this problem. People those have apple body shape, they are always in risk. This is because, fat gathering at the belly rather the hips and thighs. 

Natural Atherosclerosis Treatment

In order to stay away from this issue, you can follow various natural atherosclerosis treatment procedures. You can fight with atherosclerosis by making wise food choice. Try to cut back on saturated fat and cholesterol from meat and whole-milk dairy products. Here is some useful food list which will keep your blood flow smooth without putting extra pressure on your arteries. 


Fish is known as the best source of Omeha-3 fatty acids. Tuna, mackerel and salmon are famous for this kind of fatty acids. If you’ll consume them daily, they will protect your arteries from unwanted damage. Initially Omega-3 will take out triglycerides, the fats those build in the arteries. Plus, it also stops the blood platelets to get clumping together. In this way, the blood flow remains smooth without causing any blockage. Apart from them, Omega-3 can lower blood pressure.  


Apart from fish, garlic also plays a crucial role to reduce  triglycerides. Garlic is full with sulfur and this it will easily lower cholesterol and triglycerides. Plus, it will also reduce LDL without hampering HDL cholesterol. Some physician also loud garlic for its role to reduce blood pressure. Thanks to a substance called ajone, it keeps the blood from clumping and clotting. 


From the initial day, you should take minimum 25 to 35 grams of fiber in daily basis. If you’ll do so, it will boost the general health and keeps the atherosclerosis lower. There are certain type of soluble fiber are available in various grains and fruits including oats, barley, appeals, those are very helpful to lower cholesterol level. 

Add these extremely food in your daily diet and keep yourself away from the atherosclerosis.

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