bladder infection (UTI)is the most common infection in adults, mostly in females,
which can lead to further serious problems like kidney damage,if not treated
right away.So it is very important that you know its underlying causes and take
preventive steps ahead of time naturally.
given are some relevant details on this issue.
Main symptoms of
bladder infection
A burning sensation when urinating
Frequent urge to urinate.
Passing only small amounts of urine at a time
despite the urge to urinate.
Urine that is cloudy or bloody with a strong,
foul odor.
Bladder spasm.
Main causes of the
· Most bladder infections are caused by the
bacteria that live in the gut. Sometimes thebacteria make their way to the
bladder through the urethra, thus making it infected.
The urinary tracts change and increased kidney
function during pregnancy also are the reasons.
Even the use of diaphragms and spermicides with
or without condoms can increase the risk of urinary tract infections.
you notice any of these symptoms, make sure youconsult your doctor right away.
Tips and guidelines:
1.Maintain a low-sugar diet
is very important that you reduce the amount of sugar in your diet as it is
feeds the pathogenic bacteria. So make sure you avoid foods like doughnuts,
cakes, cookies, ice cream, cream–based sauces, dairy products, and replace
those with foods that are marked as "low-sugar".
3.Take a dietary supplement
you’ve been diagnosed with a UTI, a herbal supplement like ‘Uribiotic Formula’
could be of great help here. It is a natural full-spectrum antibiotic designed
to remedy bladder infection naturally and with no side effects.